Verify Phone Numbers & Reduce Fraud

Phone Validate is an API query that can help companies verify phone numbers and reduce fraudulent activities. By performing basic validation on the supplied phone number, including checking the general number format, whether the number is issued to an Australian carrier and whether the number is reserved or unique, Phone Validate can help companies improve their data quality and mitigate the risk of fraud.

Phone Validate for call centres

Phone Validate can be used by call centres to validate the phone numbers of customers before initiating calls. By confirming the number is valid and connected to an active carrier, call centres can avoid wasting time and resources on invalid or disconnected numbers. This can improve call centre efficiency and reduce wait times for customers.

Phone Validate for identity verification

Phone Validate API query can assist with identity verification by confirming that the phone number provided by the user is valid and associated with the person’s identity. By verifying the phone number’s format and carrier, Phone Validate can help confirm that the number is likely associated with a real person and is not a fake or temporary phone number used for fraudulent purposes.

Phone Validate for e-commerce

Online retailers can use Phone Validate to verify phone numbers provided by customers during the checkout process. By checking the phone number’s format, carrier and status, retailers can ensure that the phone number is legitimate and not associated with fraudulent activity, such as fake orders or identity theft.

Streamline your contact validation

Combat & Reduce
Phone Number Fraud

Our Phone Validate API query can assist with combatting fraud and reducing overall risk by verifying phone numbers and ensuring they are associated with legitimate and authorised users. Whether you’re using this query in conjunction with another, or stand alone, Phone Validate will ensure you are on top of your customers phone numbers.

What our customers say

"The API's flexibility to plug-in with our existing systems has allowed us to streamline our data management and analysis process, saving us a lot of time and resources."

Real Estate Client

"The API service has been instrumental in streamlining our workflow and improving the overall efficiency of our business."

Banking Client
Head of Recoveries

"Plugging into the API has allowed us to access a wide range of data sources and has significantly improved our identity verification match rates."

IDV Client
Head of Data

"The technical support team for the API service is excellent. They have been very responsive and helpful and have always been able to assist us with any issues or concerns."

IDV & KYC Client

0M+ Phone & Email Coverage
0M+ Current Consumer Profiles
0M+ Historical Records
0M+ Real Estate Records
0M+ Insights & Social Media
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Reliable & Compliant Data Solutions

We recognise the significance of reliable and current data for businesses. We strive to collect and enhance large volumes of data to deliver the most comprehensive, complete and dependable consumer data information available to our clients.

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Product Solutions

Our Products

For over a decade, we’ve been helping organisations overcome their data challenges, particularly when it comes to enhancing the strength and completeness of Australian Consumer data.

Effortlessly target your ideal consumer audience and launch your campaign with our user-friendly platform, where you can quickly and easily download Australian marketing lists in minutes.

With Caspar, tracking down missing debtors and persons of interest has never been easier. Easily uncover their contact information and reconnect with them in a snap.

Our self-service datawashing platform allows for the repair, validation and enrichment of outdated Australian Consumer data. Improve the quality of your data in minutes.

Stay compliant and secure with our comprehensive identity verification and risk assessment solution, featuring validation, verification and matching of various metrics.

Protect your business reputation with our Australian Death Check solution. Maintain data accuracy as required by law, improve customer experience, save money and fight fraud.

Easily integrate our reliable RESTful API into your software for seamless access to our extensive Australian Consumer Data Universe. Suitable for automating data processes for any industry.


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